Chill and Feel…


When something goes awry and your world is turned upside down, its natural for our minds to try and put out the fire. Some douce the flames with alcohol, some avoid, some fall apart, and some just keep on moving as fast as they can. We avoid the feelings and shock so we can stop the hurt. Nothing wrong with wanting to feel good. Who doesn’t want to feel good?!

I know.. I know it hurts.. It hurts to lose that job, lose a friend, be asked to move, and to have your heart crushed. You are devastated! You are lost!! You are confused!! STOP the hurt is all you want!!

It may seem counter intuitive, but for us to grow, we need to feel the pain. We need to chill out, take a breath, and give yourself time to feel the loss. This is your life. This is your heart. You should feel angry and sad.

Now here is the catch…

Set a timer on your phone. When you are feeling very low, give yourself 30 minutes each day to feel it. Remember what you lost. Remembered how whatever was taken from you. Grieve the loss. Grieve the future. Feel…

Next day, set your timer for 29 minutes.

Do this for 30 days.

You will not be magically cured at day 30. Sorry. But you will realize something very important. You realize that it’s okay to feel sad and grieve, but your narrative will not to be sadness.


Reframing, Yo!


Improving Social Skills